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On-Line Statistical Software:


This is an on-line statistical software program. There is no charge for using it and it is quite easy to use. You will want to use this if you do not own Excel and maybe even if you do. The only draw back is that you must be on line all the time you are using it. Works on both Macs and PCs.


Statlets is a package of over 50 pure Java applets for performing various types of statistical analyses. Because they are Java applets, they can run on almost any computer. Once installed on your computer it runs as a standalone application without a browser. You can download the academic version for free from this site. Their hope is that you will like it enough to buy the Commercial Version, which handles more columns and rows of data - and you just might.


StatPages.Net Web Site

Sections include:

Interactive Stats
Free Software
Books & Manuals
Demo's & Tutorials; and
Other Links;


Contains the following sections:

1. Introduction
2. On-line Course Materials
3. On-line Texts
4. JAVA Demonstrations
5. Electronic Journals
6. Electronic Discussion Lists
7. Data, Data, and More Data
7.1 Dataset Archives
7.2 Pages of Links to Datasites
7.3 Government and Official Agencies
7.4 Data About the Web
7.5 Textbook data
8. Miscellaneous Links
9. Conclusion

On Line Stats Textbook:


Includes links to other statistical sources and the following chapters.

Describing Univariate Data
Describing Bivariate Data
Introduction to Probability
Normal Distribution
Sampling Distributions
Point Estimation
Confidence Intervals
The Logic of Hypothesis Testing
Testing Hypotheses with Standard Errors
Introduction to Between-Subjects ANOVA
Factorial Between-Subjects ANOVA
Within-Subjects ANOVA
Chi Square
Distribution-Free Tests
Measuring Effect Size


StatSoft Electronic Statistics Textbook

Over 36 Sections, here are some examples:
Elementary Concepts
Basic Statistics
Experimental Design
General Linear Models
General Stepwise Regression
Graphical Techniques
Linear Regression
Neural Networks
Nonlinear Estimation
Nonparametric Statistics
Power Analysis
Survival Analysis
Time Series/Forecasting
Variance Components
Statistical Glossary
